The Pet food produced by the Pet food production line is a kind of food specially provided for small pet animals. It is a high-grade animal food between human food and traditional livestock and poultry feed. Its role is mainly to provide the most basic life guarantee for various pets and to
2023/07/24 16:24
  The textured soya protein production line takes low-temperature soybean meal, peanut meal, etc. as the main raw materials, and can produce Histone, artificial meat and other foods with certain strength and toughness. The product shapes include columns, squares, thin slices, thin strips, granules
2023/07/20 09:20
  The Doritos production line is made of corn flour, Corn starch, large Rice noodles, etc. as the main raw materials, which are extruded, rolled into triangular, round, square and other shapes of thin plates, and then baked and flavored. Its crispy taste, rich nutrition, and easy digestion are
2023/07/15 13:51
  The product produced by the puff snack production line is a kind of extruded snack. It uses advanced co extrusion technology to extrude two kinds of products with different texture and taste on a twin-screw host at the same time to produce popular McChicken pieces, sandwiched rice crisps, rice
2023/07/13 13:03
  The nutritional powder production line developed by our company is another new extension of the twin screw extrusion technology. The traditional manual frying method is inefficient, hygienic, and difficult to control quality issues, resulting in a single processing material. Twin screw extrusion
2023/07/11 11:08
  The bread crumb production line developed by our company has changed the traditional production process of bread crumb, from fabric input to crushing and forming, all of which are produced on an assembly line. The required personnel are few, the degree of automation is high, the stability is
2023/07/07 09:14
   The Pet food production line developed by our company gives Pet food a new form, unique taste and color, and adapts to the needs of the modern Pet food market with the most scientific nutrition ratio and easy digestion. For example, extrusion dog chew, which is a chew Pet food with different
2023/07/05 14:37
  The nutritional rice production line developed by our company takes Rice noodles as the main raw material, which can be selectively filled with various vitamins and minerals according to needs. The shape of the rice grain is extruded by a twin-screw extruder, and then dried to the required
2023/07/04 14:22
  The extrusion and puffing food production equipment is a very mature product of our company, with years of research and development experience and technology, and continuous technological innovation. We can customize different design solutions according to the needs of different customers,
2023/06/24 09:03
  The 3D pellet production line developed by our company mainly uses potato starch, Corn starch, etc. as raw materials to produce the popular secondary puffed food in the market with different shapes, such as pea crisps, shells, spirals, square tubes, round tubes, waves, etc. This production line
2023/06/13 09:46
  The fried wheat flour snack production line developed by our company is a new type of high-yield food production line. The products produced by this production line are diverse, and the shape of the products can be changed by changing molds and auxiliary equipment. The products usually include
2023/06/02 13:10
  The core filling snack food production line usually uses corn flour, big Rice noodles, flour, bean flour, etc. as the main raw materials, from ingredients, extrusion, expansion, molding, sandwich, shaping and cutting, baking, spraying and seasoning to the completion of finished products in one
2023/03/27 10:51