Advantages of dog food extruder

2023/02/02 11:33

Bulking process is also a process of shaping dog food raw materials. The forming process in the form of steam will add water, so that the dog food raw starch gelatinization, temperature to 100 degrees Celsius -180 degrees Celsius, because the extrusion pressure is very big, extrusion instant pressure release, water out of the particle moment, so that the dog food rapid expansion foaming, water evaporation, so that after the puffed manufacturing process of dog food generally has a good absorption of high nutritional value.
084cca794fe4f5c328bf6294e2074dee.jpg1. Puffing equipment to improve the palatability of dog food. Dry dog food, after puffing becomes crispy, pet dogs in the process of biting and swallowing, has a better taste, but also conducive to pet dogs clean mouth teeth;
2. Puffing can change and improve the nutritional value of dog food. Many nutrients need to be matured and expanded to become nutritious, otherwise not only will not bring effective nutrition to the pet dog, but will cause diarrhea, vomiting and other indications;
3. Puffing equipment can improve the digestion and absorption rate of dog food. Puffed dog food, pet dogs to absorb more comprehensive and perfect, and even appear at present "double puffed" process, the purpose is to make pet dogs more perfect dog food in all the nutrients absorption;
4. The shape and structure of the dog food are changed through the process of bulking and producing granules, so that pet dogs can easily eat the dog food and eat more;
5. Puffing equipment can change the content of different nutritional indexes of dog food. For example, reducing water content can improve the shelf life of dog food, making it easier for pet owners to store and feed.
6. Change the density of your food. Extrusion, extrusion can also increase the bulk density of dog food, easy to purchase and transport;
7. The puffing process is also a high temperature and high pressure process, which can kill all kinds of harmful substances such as mold and improve the quality and hygiene of dog food.