Application of refrigerated preservation and detection technology in food equipment

2022/10/14 16:21

Benefiting from the improvement of residents' living standards and the growing demand for improved dietary structure, people's expenditure on fruits has continued to expand, and a fruit industry of trillions has also been achieved. With the Spring Festival approaching, people are preparing for New Year's goods in an orderly manner. Among them, fruits are also indispensable in many New Year's goods products, such as apples, bananas, cherries, cherries, strawberries, sugar oranges, citrus and so on. Among them, cherries, strawberries and sugar oranges play the leading role in the fruit market.



Affected by special events, problems were detected on the surface of imported cherries last year, which caused the price of cherries to plummet in many places. Consumers who buy imported fruits should check the relevant information through the traceable source code, or buy from regular fruit stores, and buy cherries that have passed the test and have complete epidemic prevention labels and certificates ("three certificates"). Relevant departments across the country are also strengthening the random inspection of cherries through the rapid inspection technology, so as to provide security for the New Year fruits including cherries.


Strawberries are very delicate, fresh fruits are difficult to preserve, perishable, difficult to store and transport, which restricts the scale of industrial development and the scope of product sales for a long time. Now, with the help of fresh e-commerce logistics, the strawberry industry has been revitalized, helping fruit farmers reduce economic losses. It is understood that in order to maintain the freshness of strawberries and increase the space for premium, some cooperatives will pass strawberries through weighing, quality inspection, film packaging, and then send them to all parts of the country through refrigerated trucks and cold chain trucks dedicated to e-commerce.

sugar orange

In order to better realize off-peak sales, increase the space for fruit premiums, and to maintain the freshness and quality of the storage and transportation of sugar oranges, cold chain infrastructure such as cold storage and air-conditioned fresh-keeping warehouses are also under construction in some sugar orange planting bases. In addition, some processing enterprises have also introduced sorting production lines, and various automated equipment is "full fire" to screen, grade and pack the fresh sugar oranges that are picked, and then take the cold chain logistics equipment of the e-commerce platform to make fresh, high-quality tangerines. The grade sugar orange successfully arrived at the festive table.

Under the current prevention and control conditions, consumers must go to regular supermarkets and fruit stores to buy, and do not buy fruits of unknown origin, especially imported cherries. Relevant departments should also continue to strengthen the sampling inspection of the New Year's fruit market, especially imported fruits such as cherries, to protect the safety of fruits on people's festive tables. Suppliers should also strictly control the quality and safety of fruits. Through grading and cold chain transportation, fresh, high-quality New Year fruits can be delivered to millions of households.