Common faults and solutions of food extruders

2022/11/04 10:05

Food extruder is a kind of food processing equipment used for puffing. The materials processed by the extruder are generally common grains such as rice, corn, soybeans, etc. Its working principle is very easy to understand, that is, the mechanical energy is converted into thermal energy. In the process of use, because the extruder in the factory needs to process a very large amount of grain, it also requires a long time of operation, which will cause various failures.

1. Reasons for extruder spraying

1. The extractor stops the interlocking shutdown of the feeding workshop;

2. The feeding port of the extruder feeding auger is not smooth;

3. The direct steam of the extruder is too large;

4. The feed of the extruder is reduced instantly;

5. The high material level alarm of the countercurrent dryer and the interlocking shutdown of the feeding auger of the extruder;


(1) The extruder spraying material must first close the direct steam valve of the extruder on the computer or on site, and exit the cone die head.

(2) Analyze the cause of the spray and deal with it;

(3) Eliminate the cause of the failure and clean up the accumulated material at the discharge port of the feeding auger (when cleaning the auger, the main motor of the extruder and the feeding auger should be powered off and locked; pay attention to the scalding of the reverse steam.

(4) Unlock the power transmission extruder and start production.

food extruders

Second, the extruder belt slips

1. The drive belt of the extruder is too loose to cause slippage;

2. The load of the extruder is too large (large feed amount, small steam supply, poor discharge from the cone die, etc.)


(1) If the slippage is caused by the loose belt, the extruder should be stopped, and the motor breakpoint should be locked to contact the machine to repair and tighten the belt.

(2) If the belt slips due to excessive load, if the belt slips seriously, exit the cone die first, close the steam valve, reduce the feeding amount of the extruder, and adjust the feeding when the current of the extruder is reduced to the normal current. When feeding into the mold, pay attention to the current change of the extruder motor, and then slowly increase the feeding amount and steam amount until the extruder is fully loaded. If the belt slips slightly, adjust the amount of steam or feed appropriately. Generally adjust the amount of steam.

3. The extruder is powered off and overloaded

1. When the extruder itself is powered off, the direct steam valve of the extruder should be closed, the conical die head should be withdrawn from the mold, and the indirect steam heating steam of the extruder cylinder should be opened to keep the materials in the extruder and the machine chamber warm to prevent the materials from sticking after cooling down. It is difficult to start the extruder when it is tied together to block the extruder. After the power is turned on.

Start the extruder. If the extruder cannot be started within half an hour, it is necessary to turn the car to discharge the material in the machine chamber.

2. All power outages in the workshop should open the bypass of the pneumatic valve for the steam supply of the extruder in time, close the direct steam valve of the extruder, and open the indirect steam valve of the extruder cylinder to keep the materials in the extruder and the machine chamber warm.