The demand for food machinery is increasing

2023/01/21 22:12


It is very comfortable for people to knock some sunflower seeds, eat potato chips, beef jerky, dried fruit and so on during their leisure time and rest. Yes, with the improvement of people's living standards and the abundance of food types, the market share of leisure food has steadily increased. At the same time, food packaging machine, vacuum packaging machine, soybean products equipment, puffing machine, frying machine, pastry machine and other leisure food processing equipment market demand is also rising.
In recent years, the annual demand of leisure food market exceeds 100 billion yuan, the market scale is growing at a geometric speed, and the consumer market is also growing rapidly, with an annual growth rate of about 25%. The registration of leisure food enterprises alone has reached more than 100,000. These data show that leisure food enterprises have huge development potential and living space in the future.

At present, the snack food market presents such characteristics: many snack food enterprises, showing a small and scattered situation; Low industry concentration; In terms of production technology, new product development and channel construction, local enterprises lag behind foreign brands and cannot keep up with the pace of market development. Most of them focus on low-end snack food market. Middle and high-end snack food market has been monopolized by foreign capital, foreign capital, joint ventures occupied the absolute advantage of snack food market.
From the trend of product development, the trend of category refinement and flavor is obvious. The original pattern of food consumption based on subsistence type is transforming into flavor type, nutrition type, enjoyment type and even functional type. In the vast consumer market, China's leisure food innovation room is still large, many categories need to be further segmented. In the past, the traditional handmade workshop leisure food will gradually fade out of the view of consumers, replaced by more and more categories and tastes. Modern technology and production technology will fully release the market energy of China's leisure food.
The demand of consumers is increasingly diversified and personalized, and they are particularly picky about the taste of food. The simple leisure food will be difficult to meet the needs of the majority of consumers. Snack food enterprises should further subdivide target consumer groups and follow up the different needs of consumers after in-depth understanding of consumers' purchasing needs.
In addition, obesity caused by unhealthy eating habits, excessive intake of high-calorie and high-fat food and insufficient exercise, especially children's obesity, has become the focus of attention in urban families, and the relationship between leisure food and obesity has also caused more and more attention. Therefore, the development of healthy and functional food will be the mainstream trend of the snack food market in the future.