Differences and characteristics of important screw components in extruders

2022/10/19 13:47

Q: As an important screw on the extruder, what is the difference between the twin-screw extruder and the single-screw extruder?
A: Like a general single-screw extruder, it consists of a transmission system, an extrusion system and a heating and cooling system. The main differences are as follows:
The difference between double and single screw extruders is: one is a double-structure screw, and the other is a single-structure screw.

The difference between double-screw extruder and single-screw extruder 2: The twin-screw plasticizing is good for powder and pellets, while the single-screw eats pellets for plasticization and stability. The output of the twin-screw extruder of the same specification is larger. High extrusion efficiency.

The difference between double and single-screw extruders is three: the single-screw extruder is simple in structure and low in price. The twin-screw structure is complex and the price is high.

The difference between double-screw extruder and single-screw extruder 4: Single-screw is suitable for plasticizing extrusion of polymers and extrusion processing of pellets. The twin-screw has good mixing and plasticizing ability.


Q: Why only the single-screw extruder is introduced here, is it because the single-screw extruder has many high-quality features?

A: Yes, it is true that single screw extruders have many high-quality features.

Feature 1: Less frictional heat is generated during the extrusion process of raw materials.

Feature 2: The screw meshing and shearing action of the raw material in the barrel is stable and uniform, and the raw material mixing and plastic quality are better.

Feature 3: The raw material stays in the barrel for a short time, and the output of extrusion molding products is high.

Feature 4: The powder resin is extruded and plasticized on a twin-screw extruder, and the quality of mixing and plasticizing is relatively stable.

Feature 5: The twin-screw meshes and rotates, and the residual material in the barrel can be cleaned automatically.