Food machinery classification

2023/01/09 10:23

There are many kinds of raw materials and products in the food industry, and the processing technology is different, so the mechanical equipment of food enterprises is also very complicated.

Raw material processing machinery: including decontamination, cleaning, selection and other mechanical equipment.
Crushing and cutting, dividing machinery: including crushing, crushing, grinding, dividing, cutting and other mechanical equipment.
Mixing machinery: including powder mixing machinery and equipment.
12519fa82430cca83e37f26dfc65cb52.jpegSorting machinery: refers to the sorting machinery of powder and block materials.
Molding machinery: such as cookies, pastry candy molding, etc.
Multi - phase separation machinery: such as filter, centrifuge, etc.
Mixing and homogenizing machinery: mainly refers to the mixing and processing equipment of liquid materials, including colloid mill, etc.
Cooking machinery: including cooking sterilization, killing green, boiling sugar, frying and other machinery and equipment.
Evaporative thickening machinery: rising film type and falling film type thickening machinery equipment, single effect and multi effect thickening machinery equipment.
Drying machinery equipment: including all kinds of atmospheric pressure and vacuum drying machinery. According to the machine form can be divided into box type, tunnel type, rotary cylinder type, chain belt type, spray type, pipe type, fluidization type, etc. According to the use of heat sources can be divided into flue gas heating, fuel heating, gas heating steam heating, electric heating far infrared heating, microwave heating high frequency heating and so on.
Baking machinery: including fixed box type, rotary type, chain belt type, etc.
Freezing and freezing machinery: including a variety of quick-freezing machines and cold drink freezing machinery, can also include refrigeration machinery. Quantification machinery: The quantification, volumetric or heavy, of various liquids and solids included in the process flow of.
Packaging machinery: including all kinds of solid and liquid materials can, bottle, bag machinery.
Extruding machinery and other machinery difficult to classify.
In addition, there are some general equipment, such as conveying machinery, including belt conveyor, bucket elevator, pneumatic conveyor, a variety of pumps and heat transfer equipment and containers, are also commonly used in food factories.
In summary, from the perspective of research design, manufacturing and equipment purchase and matching, the above two classification methods have certain guiding significance for the development of production. It is necessary not only to study the internal relations of various operating machinery in various food production processes, so as to facilitate the development of supporting production lines, but also to study the production efficiency and mechanical structure of various unit operations, so as to make a partial breakthrough in technology to drive the overall.