Food packaging pollution is dangerous

2022/08/31 17:06


1. Biological pollution

It is mainly caused by harmful microorganisms and their toxins, parasites and their eggs and insects. Animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs and milk are easily contaminated by pathogenic bacteria and their toxins, leading to bacterial food poisoning and zoonotic infectious diseases. Pathogenic bacteria mainly come from patients, carriers and sick animals, sick birds and so on.

2. Radioactive contamination

The harm to human health has many manifestations. A large intake of contaminated food can cause acute poisoning, namely food poisoning, such as bacterial food poisoning, pesticide food poisoning and mycotoxin poisoning.

3. Chemical pollution

Pollution caused by agricultural chemicals, food additives, food packaging containers and industrial wastes, mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, cyanide, organophosphorus, organochlorine, nitrite and nitrosamine, and other organic or inorganic compounds.
Harm: Formaldehyde can induce nose cancer, blood cancer (leukemia); Volatile organic compounds, such as benzene, toluene and xylene, can cause aplastic anemia and fetal abnormalities. Ammonia colorless with strong irritant odor, it mainly comes from concrete antifreeze, severe cases can cause pulmonary edema and respiratory tract disease. 



1. Plastic packaging and its hazards

Plastic products have many advantages such as light weight, convenient transportation, chemical stability and easy production, and are widely used in food packaging. By adding a certain amount of antioxidant, preservative and other auxiliary polymer materials in the plastic, it has a good protective effect on food. However, the surface of plastic packaging is easy to cause food contamination due to friction charged adsorption of fine dust impurities. The unpolymerized ethylene, ethylbenzene and other free monomers in plastic packaging will increase the risk of migration to food with the extension of contact time, thus causing food contamination. Plastic packaging products added stabilizer, plasticizer has carcinogenic and teratogenicity, a large number of plastic packaging to increase the late recycling pressure, pollution of the environment.

2. Paper packaging and its hazards

In recent years, paper packaging has been widely used in food packaging because it can be made into bags, boxes or cans, boxes and other forms of advantages. However, since most of the raw materials of paper packaging come from the recycling of paper or cardboard, the bacteria, chemical residues and some impurities are often attached to the paper packaging, which increases the risk of food contamination from paper packaging. In addition, whitening agents and fluorescent chemicals used in most paper packaging are potential sources of food contamination.

In reality, a large number of materials are used for food packaging, and there are many. kinds of packaging substances in direct contact with food. All kinds of chemical substances are in direct contact with food, and the substances in food packaging materials will migrate to food under certain conditions, thus endangering food safety.According to product notifications issued by the EU’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) in 2014, the situation of food packaging safety is not optimistic, with a 13% increase on the previous year.Dayi Food Machinery strives to take responsibility for food safety.Safe and convenient food packaging machinery can greatly improve the efficiency and save unnecessary material loss. The progress of science and technology has brought great negative impact on the world, and it is only human beings who can save it.