Four requirements for food packaging design

2022/09/07 13:45

What are the design requirements for food packaging? What are the specific details? This article will focus on 4 requirements for food packaging design, I hope you will gain something after reading it.


Nowadays, the packaging of food on the market can be described as all kinds of strange, in order to attract customers to buy and consume. What rules and requirements should these packaging designs follow? Today, let's take a look at the relevant information on the design requirements of food packaging.


1. The object is clear

 Since some foods are specifically aimed at a certain range of consumer groups, the performance of packaging needs to be highlighted. For example, for middle-aged and elderly food, the packaging form is more traditional, and the color will also use deep and stable colors; children's food requires lively and cute packaging, bright colors and often some added value (for example, it can be used as a toy or collection); products for a certain area , can show local characteristics on the packaging, such as using dialects, cultural traditions, etc.


2. Aesthetic value

  With the development of the times, people's aesthetics are constantly improving, and the requirements are also increasing. Meeting people's aesthetic needs has become the main subject of packaging design. In the past, the packaging that simply put a product photo can no longer satisfy people's aesthetics, and they need a more artistic form of expression. Designers also use abstract techniques to make product packaging more artistic, leaving room for people to imagine.

3. Moderate packaging

 The packaging picture can be appropriately exaggerated, but it cannot be exaggerated arbitrarily. In modern food packaging design, more and more artistic effects are used to express product characteristics, such as computer painting of products. This method can make up for the lack of photography. It can be combined with ingredients and raw materials at will, so that people can understand the product more intuitively and trust it. product.

 4. Unique packaging

 The food packaging on the market is dazzling, how to make one's own products stand out from many similar products, which requires innovation and unconventional. So how to make product packaging different? Below, a few examples:

In the impression of the public, instant noodles are packaged in only a few colors: red, yellow, green, and orange. There is little comparison when it comes to packaging other than looking at brand awareness. The launch of the Wugu Dojo series of instant noodles has subverted the color habit of this type of product, boldly using black and white to match. The coordinated proportions and segmentation make it good, and it successfully attracts the attention of consumers. Therefore, the packaging of Wugu Dojo series instant noodles wins in color.

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