The importance of fruit and vegetable crisping equipment in the project

2022/09/22 13:29

To put it simply, fruit and vegetable chips are a type of dehydrated fruit and vegetable food. Dehydrated food is roughly divided into three types: vacuum freeze drying (FD), low temperature hot air drying (AD), and vacuum low temperature oil bath dehydration (VF). Fruit and vegetable chips are processed by VF technology.

Due to the existence of vacuum, dehydration is carried out at a relatively low temperature, thus keeping the nutrients of food from being damaged by high temperature, which occupies a very important position in food processing, so it is very different from normal temperature frying in meaning. Its basic principle is to use three different physical phenomena of oil and water under reduced pressure conditions,

First, the boiling points of oil and water are lowered (oil is around 80°C, water is around 40°C);

The second is that after reaching the boiling point, water changes from liquid to vapor, while oil is different;

Third, the specific gravity of oil and water is different, which can replace the moisture in the material at a high boiling point, and can quickly dehydrate the fruits, vegetables and other materials in a short time.

Therefore, the vacuum low temperature oil bath dehydration process has the following characteristics:

(1) Low temperature and less loss of nutrients;

(2) The moisture evaporates quickly and the drying time is short;

(3) It has a puffing effect on food and improves the rehydration of the product;

(4) The shelf life of the product is extended.

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The importance of craftsmanship and variety in the project

1) Process. After the equipment is selected and put into production, the production process occupies a very important position. Some users attribute the problems of the output products to the equipment during production, but this is not the case. Such as uneven sheet shape, high oil content, not crisp taste, poor color, not strong original flavor, etc. These problems can be solved after reasonable process adjustment. Of course, the user should also adjust the process according to the requirements of the end customer, because the end customers in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the United States and mainland China and other countries and regions have different requirements for the product, and should be adjusted according to the specific situation.

2) Variety. The selection of material varieties is also crucial to the quality of the output products. In general, this project can process any root vegetables and fruits with a moisture content of less than 85%, but to produce high-quality fruit and vegetable chips, it is necessary to strictly select varieties. For example, the commonly used varieties of sweet potatoes are 553 and 696; while high-sugar apples (such as Red Fuji, Jonagold, etc.) cannot produce high-quality apple slices, but high-acidity apples (such as Red Star, Red Jade, Red Cockscomb, Qin Guan) can produce apple chips with excellent aroma and good taste without cumbersome processes, and the quality of vegetables in greenhouses is not as good as that of conventionally grown vegetables, etc. Therefore, the selection of varieties is also a problem that users should pay attention to in the production process.