Making Hawthorn Snacks with Food Extruder

2022/09/27 16:15

For a long time, hawthorn has mostly been familiar to people in the form of snacks such as hawthorn slices, hawthorn strips, and hawthorn cakes. With the rapid development of society and economy, it has naturally become the childhood memory of many people, and the market development has certain limitations. With the trend of "food and nourishment" in the industry, hawthorn with dual-use value of food and medicine is considered to have broad development prospects. The layout of the whole industry chain is changing the existing predicament of hawthorn's small scale and weak development, represented by pressing equipment. The machinery is put into use, and it is also adding momentum to the strong and deep processing of Hawthorn.

 hawthorn.jpegHawthorn is a unique fruit tree in my country. In the past, if a hawthorn tree was planted in the front and back of the house, everyone could taste the delicious hawthorn together in the mature season. Affected by the increase in the price of hawthorn in recent years, hawthorn, which has a relatively high output itself, has become an important industry for increasing income and becoming rich in many areas. Fei County, which has a history of hawthorn cultivation for more than 3,000 years, has the reputation of "the first village of hawthorn" in Sancha. Village, Zhangjiapeng Village, Qilipo Village, Qinglong County, which is located north of the Great Wall, etc., Hawthorn is moving towards large-scale planting and industrialized management.

Up to now, the scale of hawthorn cultivation in my country is increasing day by day. According to relevant statistics, by 2020, the planting area of hawthorn in my country is expected to reach about 7 million mu, and the total output of hawthorn may exceed 2.1 million tons. Although hawthorn itself is still an agricultural product, and the expansion of the industry is affected by various aspects, the overall increase will not be too large, but as the newly planted hawthorn fruit trees achieve fruit bearing after a certain period of time, the output of hawthorn will maintain a certain upward trend.

Along with the output of hawthorn, the postpartum production method of hawthorn has also changed, so that local fruit farmers can taste the "sweetness" from the bright red hawthorn fruit. For example, in Qinglong County, the recovery of the hawthorn industry has become an important fulcrum for the local rural revitalization in recent years. From the large-scale planting and scientific management of hawthorn, to the joint cooperation with food processing enterprises, the launch of deep-processed products such as hawthorn pulp juice drinks, creating an industrial chain of The expansion of hawthorn has found a good way out. Moreover, at present, from the hawthorn planting and production areas in Qinglong County to expand the industrial chain, to new brands such as Yuanqi Forest and Good Hope Water, they are deploying hawthorn beverage production lines, creating "hawthorn + sparkling water", "hawthorn + tangerine peel" and other diversified healthy nutritious drink.

It is worth mentioning that in the processing of hawthorn beverages, the processing of the pressing process affects the quality of hawthorn juice and the utilization rate of hawthorn. As the food industry accelerates the process of mechanization innovation, automated crushing equipment and juice extraction equipment play a role. It is reported that the current fruit and vegetable juicing equipment mostly adopts the hydraulic pressing process. The combination of high pressure and low friction can improve the pressing efficiency and pressing strength of the hawthorn pressing, and the juice yield is high. It can also be equipped with a scraper filter and other devices. The peel and seeds are further filtered to make the hawthorn juice more pure. The author noticed that a beverage company in Tianjin mainly focuses on the pressing of fresh hawthorn fruit and the ratio of high-concentration puree, focusing on improving consumer satisfaction.

All in all, compared with the common foods with similar flavors such as dried hawthorn and fruit cakes, the hawthorn industry has kept up with the trend of the times in the rapid development, and the extension of the juice drink series has injected new vitality into its development. In the process of the selection of hawthorn beverages becoming more diverse, the improvement of production capacity at the production end also has a profound impact on improving quality.