Other application functions of food extruder

2022/12/06 17:10

A particular chemical or biochemical reaction
Extruder is a new type of biochemical reactor, food in the process of being extruded, will have a series of biochemical reactions. For example, in addition to the denaturation of proteins, the extrusion process of soybean powder makes lipase, fat oxidase, antitrypsin factor and some naturally formed toxic substances inactive, and also makes the storage period can lead to food deterioration of various enzymes activity passivation, thus greatly reducing the microbial plate value of the product, basically no pathogenic bacteria, salmonella, insects and Other pollutants.
The research of extruder as biochemical reactor in food processing is a new technology which just started. In the field of food processing, the extruder is used as a biochemical reactor to study the interaction of protein, carbohydrate, fat and crude fiber, and the nutritional value and biochemical reaction rule of materials in the extrusion process. Further, the extrusion processing mechanism of food can be revealed from the molecular level.
The food extruder can replace the mixing reactor to produce casein salt reactants of dairy products. It is used for the production of licorice and jelly fruit instead of the steamer and casting machine. To replace the fine mill for the production of chocolate; Instead of oven for baking spices, caramel production; To replace the oven for the production of bread and biscuits; As a juicer for the production of various juice, oil. Screw extruder can also be used for processing other industrial products, such as paper industry, textile industry, metal casting industry, oil drilling and so on.
At present, the world uses extrusion method to produce food range has been quite extensive. There are fast foods, breakfast foods, baked goods, concoctions, children's foods, plant protein foods, health care and fortified foods. In recent years, the development of extruded and leisure food is also very fast, and still has a huge potential for development.
