Pet food safety needs attention

2022/08/31 15:55

A healthy and balanced diet is important for everyone, including our pets. When we are buying, preparing, and storing our own food, we take into careful consideration how we do so. We want to prevent contamination, open food containers, dirty messes, things going bad, etc. But how often do you consider those same standards for your pets?

Commercially prepared pet food is one of the most highly regulated and tested, needing to meet local and government standards, including approval from the FDA.

But recently, some media reported that a pet food brand in the United States has caused more than 70 dogs to die and more than 80 dogs to fall ill. The cause of pet sickness and even death is likely to be the ingestion of deadly toxins produced by mold.

With the improvement of people's living standards and the reduction of family size, pets have entered the lives of more and more people, and pet consumption has also formed a scale. According to forecasts by corporate growth consultancy Frost & Sullivan, the number of pets in China has grown from 189.6 million in 2014 to 302.1 million in 2019, and is expected to further increase to 445.5 million in 2024, with a compound annual growth rate from 2019 to 2024 The rate is about 8.1%, showing the huge development space of the pet market.


Correspondingly, the Chinese pet industry market has exceeded the scale of 20 billion US dollars in 2019, and will grow rapidly at a compound annual growth rate of up to 17.0% in the next five years. However, with the increase in the number of pets, pet food safety has gradually become an issue that cannot be ignored.

Under the rapidly developing pet economy, although normative documents such as the "Administrative Measures for Pet Feed" have promoted the healthy and sound development of the entire pet food industry to a certain extent, incidents related to pet food safety still occur from time to time.

If you want to protect the safety of pet food, pet food manufacturing companies have the greatest responsibility. Nowadays, the pet market has considerable dividends, and many businessmen have devoted themselves to the pet food market, resulting in uneven quality of pet food. In order to make high-quality and delicious pet food, high-quality pet food machinery is essential, and hardware protection must be the first element. The second is the use of materials and formulas. How many unscrupulous merchants use materials for gross profit and harm customers?