Ten parameters of qualified food equipment

2023/01/16 15:26

(1) Productivity: refers to the production capacity of the equipment, which can be measured by the output per unit time such as years, months or days.
(2) Reliability: first, the finished products are reliable and the rate of finished products is high; Second, reliable operation, less accidents, failures.
(3) Maintainability: the difficulty of disassembly and installation during maintenance. Some equipment, designers only consider the realization of the function, pay less attention to the maintenance of the problem, sometimes dismantle a simple part is also very laborious, obviously is poor maintainability.
(4) Energy saving: refers to the energy consumption per unit of product, saving electricity.


(5) Safety: it refers to the perfection of the protective device, which not only protects personal safety, but also protects the safety of the equipment itself, such as fault monitoring, automatic alarm, etc.
(6) Durability: refers to the working life of the equipment, mainly economic life or safety life.
(7) Environmental protection: refers to the degree of pollution to the surrounding environment, including dust, harmful gas, liquid emissions caused by pollution and noise pollution.
(8) Complete set: refers to the complete set of random accessories. Accessories complete, can produce a variety of products, such as the moon cake molding machine of various specifications of the mold.
(9) Flexibility: refers to the degree of difficulty in changing product varieties. Generally speaking, universal equipment conversion products are easier, but the efficiency is low; Special equipment, on the contrary, the conversion of products is difficult, but the efficiency is higher.
(10) Compatibility: In order to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises, it is necessary to choose a good universal model and a multi-purpose machine.
Equipment to facilitate the transformation of the product when the market demand changes.