Why Choose Food Extrusion Machine Industry

2023/03/06 16:40

1. The food extruder improves the material processing characteristics.

Extrusion has a great influence on the physical and chemical properties of materials. After the material is extruded and expanded, its expansion force increases, its water holding capacity is improved, its solubility is greatly improved, and its specific surface area is increased. The change of physical and chemical properties also greatly improves the processing characteristics of materials.

2. Puffed food extrusion machine improves food flavor and taste.

Products processed by extrusion and puffing, because the starch granules are fully gelatinized, the raw starch is transformed into mature starch, which increases the content of amylose, reducing sugar and dextrin; protein denaturation occurs; insoluble dietary fiber is transformed into soluble dietary fiber to a certain extent Dietary fiber; Although some aromatic components will be lost to a certain extent during the extrusion process, new flavor substances will be formed due to the Maillard reaction caused by high temperature during processing, and extrusion and puffing can also remove some undesirable odor.

28a46f2ed2b6032b3400959b330a45a0.jpeg3. Snack food equipment improves food stability and prolongs shelf life.

In the process of extrusion and puffing, after the material is extruded, the water evaporates instantly, which reduces the moisture content in the food; due to the high temperature, the pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms originally contained in the material are killed, and enzymes such as lipoxygenase are lost. In addition, the food expanded by extrusion is not easy to produce "retrogradation phenomenon". The existence of these factors provides a strong guarantee for improving food stability.

4. Food extrusion equipment improves production efficiency and utilization of by-products.

Extrusion processing technology has high production efficiency and high utilization rate of raw materials; in addition, extrusion technology can process most of the by-products of grain and oil, such as transforming grain by-products such as bran, soybean meal, and corn husk into new foods, The utilization rate of grain by-products is improved, and its added value is increased.

5. Less nutrient loss, easy to be digested and absorbed by the body.

Extrusion and puffing is a high-temperature and short-time processing process, the raw materials are heated for a short time, and the degree of destruction of nutrients is small. The amylose side chain in the material is broken, which improves the digestibility of the body, and the molecular structure of macromolecular substances such as protein and fat is degraded to varying degrees, thus making the product easy to digest and absorb.