The food machinery and equipment industry needs talents

2022/09/08 16:29

In the food machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, talent has always been one of the priorities. The food industry has a late start, rapid development, and high dependence on imported technology products, which determines the short-term talent pooling process, low comprehensive ability and insufficient competitive advantages of the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. In the early development process, the degree of integration of production, learning and research was not high, the supply and demand side information channels were blocked, and the science and technology and information industries were updated rapidly. These practical problems have caused professional talents, technical talents, academic talents in the field of food machine manufacturing in my country talent shortage or fault. The front-line producers in traditional manufacturing generally belong to the talent force with accumulated experience, and it is difficult to adapt to the information transformation of the modern Internet era. And "grain and grass" have become hidden worries.

The food machine manufacturing industry is at a new inflection point of development. New trends such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, and digitalization are forcing the manufacturing industry to upgrade, improve the level of automation and intelligence, and improve the comprehensive application capability of the whole line or single machine. Industry upgrading, supply-side reform, and environmentally friendly production have set new standard lines for food machine manufacturing and production. On the other hand, "Internet +", self-media marketing, and personalized customization are promoting the deep integration of manufacturing and the information age. Therefore, in the new era, the talents needed by the food machine manufacturing industry must have the characteristics of the new era, not only need to be the trend-setters of new trends such as the Internet, informatization, and digitalization, but also need to have the basic technology and professional knowledge theory of the machinery equipment manufacturing industry. "Old Driver".

The cultivation of talents cannot be achieved overnight, especially the urgently needed creative talents in the industry. In response to this situation, enterprises must first promote the reform of the talent mechanism internally. Taking the puffed food machinery industry as an example, my country's puffed food machinery technology is either inherited from history, and with traditional equipment in the production process, many procedures are variable, and it is difficult to achieve quantitative monitoring of safety and quality; or, some technologies imported from abroad. Obviously, this is difficult to meet the actual needs of modern production and life, so enterprises must accelerate the transformation of the training policy of experienced talents to comprehensive talents. In addition, accelerating the exchange of information between the supply and demand sides of talents in the manufacturing industry, promoting the in-depth exchanges between production, learning and research, and strengthening the exchange and learning of technical personnel between large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, are of great positive significance for the cultivation of industry talents and the enhancement of industry technology and academic penetration. , is an important channel for the formation of new talents.

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Finally, it is worth mentioning that food machine manufacturers must be aware of the new trends and trends in manufacturing and production in the new era, as well as the new space and new value brought by the Internet. This requires enterprises to pay attention to the absorption of talents with information processing technology and network marketing capabilities while cultivating professional talents. By grasping the huge opportunity of the transformation from manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, we will actively explore the application space of intelligent technology and the advantages of modern management and publicity, and continuously improve the core technical strength and comprehensive development and operation capabilities of the enterprise. The road is long and the road is coming. Between opportunities and challenges, between achievements and pressures, food machine companies must clarify their self-positioning and major responsibilities, look up to the stars, and keep their feet on the ground.