Brief introduction of textured soya protein process line

2022/09/02 14:28

Textured soya protein has a history of decades of development in other countries, but with the development of our country relatively late, many people are still unfamiliar with it, with the continuous development of processing technology. The taste and state of the products are close to land and are accepted by more and more consumers. The continuous improvement of textured soya protein production lines has made great progress in the development of the industry. Next, I will briefly introduce what the textured soya protein production line is and its processing characteristics.

1. Product introduction of textured soya protein production line

Plant, tissue, protein and food production lines are high-protein and high-fiber puffing equipment introduced to the market by our company according to the needs of domestic and foreign markets and years of extrusion technology. Under the promotion of NASA, the material is composed of high temperature, high pressure and high compound protein in the barrel. The products produced have strong meat texture and high fiber state toughness, which are deeply loved by producers.

2. Processing characteristics of textured soya protein production line

At present, soybean textured soya protein is mainly made of defatted soybean flour, soybean protein concentrate, soybean protein isolate, etc., under the action of machinery and heat such as stirring, extrusion, and puffing. It is high in nutrition and functional, with the following characteristics:


1. After the extruder, the protein molecules are neatly arranged, with the same direction of the tissue structure, with a porous tissue similar to meat, with excellent conservation and chewiness.

What is the textured soya protein production line? What are its processing characteristics?

2. Use short-term high temperature, high moisture and high pressure processing to remove various harmful substances (trypsin, urease, saponin, hemagglutinin, etc.) contained in soybeans, improve the human body's ability to absorb protein, and significantly improve the nutritional value. .

3. Rapid decompression and explosion at the outlet during expansion can remove the bad odor in soybeans and reduce productivity after eating soybean protein.

4. Soybean textured soya protein has good retention and is clean and not greasy as a food.

5. Easy to use, soak in room temperature water for about 30 minutes, you can add various foods.

6. Soybean textured soya protein does not contain cholesterol, and people with cardiovascular disease can eat it with confidence.

7. Soybean textured soya protein is an ideal plant protein, containing 8 essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, valine) ).

8. The shape of soybean textured soya protein is flake, block and granular. From colors to primary colors to red, implementations are more versatile.

With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for food is increasing. textured soya protein is the prospect of snacks that people like, and it is a very good choice. The production of processed textured soya protein will also have great development. This is about the accepted textured soya protein production line for everyone, I hope it helps everyone.