Example: Marinated food production line

2023/02/20 17:02

In order to cope with the growing demand market of brine products, the production line of brine food factory has made innovative design according to the actual situation. At present, our production line of brine products has been developed and mature, able to meet the needs of the market.

Take the processing line of dried bean curd, one of the representatives of marinated products, for a demonstration.

Before marinated dried bean curd, it needs to go through multiple processes of preliminary processing. The first is the selection of raw materials, which must be delicate, salty and chewy. Moreover, as an important raw material, the choice of soybeans also becomes very important, which is also the key factor of whether dried bean curd tastes good or not.

1. Selection criteria of raw soybeans

Standard of high quality soybeans: bright color, uniform grain size, full grain, with normal bean flavor, impurities less than 2%, cotyledon discoloration grain less than 5%, mildew and spot grain less than 2%, broken grain and insect erosion grain less than 10%, water content equal to about 8%

2. Technological process

Soaking beans - boiling - desagging - point pulp - crouching brain - upper plate - pressing - white embryo cooling - cutting - semi-finished products, of course, these processes are refined, generally in accordance with the following process: soaking beans → point pulp → swelling → upper plate → pressing → cutting → semi-finished products


(1) Soaking beans, using about 35 degrees Celsius warm water in accordance with the ratio of water: beans = 6:1 to soak soybeans, soaking time is generally 5-12 hours, this time depends on the season, 5-8 hours in summer, 8-12 hours in winter, every 2 hours to stir soybeans once, to achieve the purpose of uniform soaking.

In the process of soaking beans, 0.3% white soda is added according to the weight of beans to help the water penetrate into the beans, so that the cell membrane in the beans quickly absorbs water and completely breaks.

After the completion of the above process, the soybeans will be taken out, and at the same time check whether the soaking situation of soybeans is qualified. The detection method is to crush and break the soybeans to see whether there is a hard core, which will affect the pulp rate.

(2) point pulp, this is the most critical step to turn soybean milk into tofu, using brine point pulp, concentration compared to tofu when using brine water concentration of 2 degrees, its dosage is about 5%, point pulp speed to be fast, so that the formation of tofu block is large, poor water retention, conducive to pressing and improving the hardness of dry bean white embryo, point pulp when the temperature is 75-80 degrees Celsius.

(3) The upper board, that is, the pressing process of dried beans, uses a fixed size square board, and puts a wood frame with a set size on the board, and the wood frame is covered with cloth.

The four corners of the cloth against the four sides of the wood frame, and press the cloth on the bottom of the wood frame, and then scoop the bean brain into the mold, and use a bamboo board to spread the bean brain flat and fill the four corners, seal the bean bag cloth and take out the model frame, that is, a good board.

(4) Press, transfer the poured beancurd into the hydraulic press press, in the first five minutes, the pressure should not be too large, wait for the beancurd swill discharge, surface crust, then gradually increase the pressure, finally pressed for about 15 minutes, until the water content of dried beancurd reaches the specified requirements, can release pressure depress (Note: Excessive pressure at the beginning will make premature skin on the surface of dried bean curd, affecting the internal water excretion, making the water content of the product too high)

⑤ Cutting, a variety of different products, specifications, according to the needs of the product will be dried bean white embryo cut into different blocks, cutting methods have two kinds of manual cutting and mechanical cutting, the two methods have their own advantages, after cutting treatment, the product is placed in the semi-finished product box for preparation and reprocessing.

The above operations, if the use of manual, is very time-consuming and laborious, and human energy should be highly concentrated talent, but if the use of detection and screening machines to screen beans, the use of machinery to detect management, can save a lot of labor, increase the efficiency of the production line.

Jinan DAYI Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful city of Jinan. The company has been engaged in the research and development of food production line machinery and production technology for a long time, the company's standard production technology, the operation concept of automatic control, and the focus on the development of stable and reliable production equipment. The company's designers have long-term experience in design, development, debugging and production, and have responsible on-site engineering personnel engaged in production and debugging work, and can provide you with standardized design, production, and debugging processes.