Factors to be considered in the design of food production line process

2023/02/21 15:08

127780fbaf5587fdfb1e08b8db19872f.jpegWhen buying and using a food factory assembly line, most of them will always consider the price of the equipment and ignore the process of the equipment. So, what factors should be considered in the design of the pipeline process?

First of all, you must have a clear positioning for yourself in the market, which is the first thing to consider in relation to the food factory assembly line process. The original process can no longer meet the needs of the market, so when designing the process flow, we always meet customer requirements based on customer requirements.

Second, consider the labor cost factor. When some enterprises invest in the early stage, they have been considering the input cost. Some equipment can be omitted, and the process can be as simple as possible, but from the perspective of long-term economic efficiency, the temporary investment in food factory assembly line equipment can continue to create considerable profits for the company in the future production and operation. Profit, relative to the short-term cost savings, the follow-up labor costs are large and the investment is large.

Furthermore, it is convenient and operable. A good process flow chart not only pays attention to the neat and orderly installation of the food factory assembly line, but also pays attention to operability. If the process is placed unreasonably or incorrectly, it will cause a waste of labor costs.

Jinan DAYI Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful city of Jinan. The company has been engaged in the research and development of food production line machinery and production technology for a long time, the company's standard production technology, the operation concept of automatic control, and the focus on the development of stable and reliable production equipment. The company's designers have long-term experience in design, development, debugging and production, and have responsible on-site engineering personnel engaged in production and debugging work, and can provide you with standardized design, production, and debugging processes.