How to Detect Metal Elements in Food Machinery

2022/10/25 10:55

Food is indispensable in our survival process. Since the advent of the mechanization era, industrialization has been inseparable from all aspects of life, and the same is true of food production. In order to improve productivity, food production lines have introduced a lot of automation and high-speed processing machinery, which also leads to the problem that food may be contaminated by foreign metals on the production line. In the process of food being processed, it has to pass through the filters, conveyor belts, drums and storage tanks of several machines, and most of these machines are made of metal alloys. components, it will increase the risk of foreign metal contamination, so the safety of food is unavoidable, so how can food manufacturers ensure that food is safe and harmless? Detection has become the primary work, and fluorescence spectrometer can be used for the detection of metal elements.
So why trace the metal pollution? From the beginning of production to the end of packaging, food has to go through several equipments, and these equipments use different materials because of different processes. contamination caused by equipment problems. In the food automation production line, as long as there is a problem with one piece of equipment, there will be countless subsequent food contamination problems. The fluorescence spectrometer is to eliminate such problems from the source and reduce the possibility of food metal contamination. X-ray fluorescence spectrometers can effectively identify alloy grades, even metal fragments, and can obtain exclusive chemical composition analysis results in seconds, and can compare it with a specific alloy in the built-in alloy grade library. The grades are matched and then matched with the metal parts on the production line, which greatly improves the work efficiency.

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