Mature Bread Crumb Production Line

2023/07/07 09:14

  The bread crumb production line developed by our company has changed the traditional production process of bread crumb, from fabric input to crushing and forming, all of which are produced on an assembly line. The required personnel are few, the degree of automation is high, the stability is strong, the quality of production equipment is good, and the surplus materials of the product can be reused, greatly reducing manufacturing costs and improving labor productivity. The product produced by the bread bran production line is a commonly used food additive and is often used in the frying process of food. Such as fried chicken steak, fried chicken leg, Chicken-fried steak, etc. Using bread crumbs as frying adjuncts can effectively alleviate the problem of food charring and frying. At the same time, using bread crumbs to fry food can also enhance the taste of the food, making it crispy and delicious.

  The process flow of the bread bran production line: mixing powder - feeding - expanding - cutting - shaping - conveying - screening - baking - cooling.

Mature Bread Crumb Production Line

  Detailed explanation of various equipment in the bread bran production line:

  1. Mixer: Mix the raw materials required for production with a certain amount of water evenly to form the production raw materials.

  2. Spiral feeder: responsible for conveying the mixed raw materials to the next equipment, using spiral feeding can ensure uniform and stable feeding without easy scattering.

  3. Twin screw host: Expands the incoming raw materials, changes the internal structure of the product, and extrudes them into shape. This production line has multiple models of twin screw hosts that can be customized according to customer needs.

  4. Bread bran cutting machine: Cut the product extruded by the extruder.

  5. Large elevator: Transport the cut product to the next equipment.

  6. Powder bran machine: Press and crush the cut product into fragments or other shapes.

  7. Z-conveyor: Conveys the product to the next device.

  8. Bran screening machine: Screen the formed products to select high-quality products. Unqualified products will be crushed and reused.

  9. Large elevator: Transport the product to the oven, and the height of the elevator can be adjusted according to the height of the oven.

  10. Three layer electric oven: Bake the formed bread crumbs to reduce internal moisture and increase crispness.

  11. Cooling conveyor: cools the baked product and transports it for packaging.