Pretreatment operation of vegetable processing production line

2023/02/24 14:58

Vegetable processing and production line is an important measure to solve the contradiction between oversupply in peak season of vegetable production and short supply in off-season, and it can improve the commodity value of vegetables, increase the economic income of vegetable farmers, and has a very important significance to stabilize vegetable production and invigorate rural economy. Many vegetables contain high moisture, intolerant storage, easy to rot, causing significant economic losses. Before vegetable processing, raw materials must be pretreated.

Pretreatment includes raw material selection - classification - washing - peeling - hot leaching - cooling - packaging and sulfur treatment and other processes.

1. Selection and classification of raw materials When any raw materials are put into production, it is necessary to select the best to remove the bad, remove mold, pests, deformity, serious mechanical injury, too old and too young, varieties and discoloration and other unqualified raw materials, and remove impurities.

2. Raw material washing can remove the sediment, dust, a large number of microorganisms and some residual chemical pesticides attached to the surface of vegetables, so as to ensure the cleanliness of products.

02871384faf267ed8419907b18f84277.jpegDifferent methods should be adopted according to the pollution degree, pressure resistance and friction resistance of various vegetables and the different surface state. The following describes several washing facilities.

(1) Washing sink. Raw materials in the sink, first soak and then wash, scrub or rinse with high pressure water. The equipment is simple and suitable for all kinds of vegetables, but the labor intensity is high, the efficacy is low and the water consumption is large.

(2) Drum cleaning machine. The main part is a rotating drum with a palisade wall, which is mounted on the frame at an Angle of about 3° from the horizontal plane. Inside the roller is a high-pressure water sprinkler, spraying water at the pressure of (3.309 ~ 4.052)×105 pascals. Raw materials from one end of the drum through the flow tank into, that is, with the rotation of the drum and fence slats friction to the outlet, at the same time to be washed clean. This machine is suitable for hard texture and surface is not afraid of mechanical damage of raw materials.

(3) Spray type cleaning machine. The water spraying device is installed above or below the cleaning device, and the raw materials move slowly forward on the continuous roller or other conveyor belt, and are washed by high-pressure water. The spray cleaning effect is related to the water pressure, the distance between the sprinkler and the raw material and the water volume. The effect is good if the pressure is large, the water volume is large and the distance is close.

(4) pressure type cleaning machine. The basic principle is that there are many compressed air nozzles installed in the cleaning tank, which make the water turn violently through the compressed air, and the material is cleaned under the agitation of the air and water. In the cleaning tank of raw materials available drum (such as tomato flotation machine), metal mesh, scraper and other transfer.

(5) Blade cleaning machine. The cleaning tank is provided with blades, each pair of blades arranged vertically, and the end is provided with a bucket for retrieving material. When cleaning, the tank is filled with water, start the mixer, and then continuous feeding and discharging, fresh water can also be continuously entered from one end.