The twin-screw extrusion technology breaks through the bottleneck of the development of the domestic environmental protection economy industry

2022/09/19 15:00

The twin-screw extruder has the advantages of strong adaptability, sliding conveying and self-cleaning, but its structure is complex, the cost is high, and the corresponding maintenance and operation costs are also high. Therefore, twin-screw extruders are generally used in the production of high value-added aquatic and pet feeds, such as the production of eel, soft-shelled turtle and juvenile fish feed, because the prices of these products in the market are sufficient to return the manufactured products of twin-screw technology. In addition, some special aquatic feeds such as particulate aquatic feeds (0.8~1.5mm in diameter), high-fat aquatic feeds and feeds with small production volumes but often changing formulas also need to be produced by twin-screw extruders.

According to the rotation direction of the screw, it can be divided into two types: co-rotation and reverse rotation, and reverse rotation can be divided into two types: inward and outward. The properties of the co-rotating twin-screw pressure zone are different. The material in the inner cavity of the sleeve is affected by the rotation of the screw, resulting in a high-pressure zone and a low-pressure zone. It can use raw materials such as rice, millet, black rice, buckwheat and other whole grains as raw materials, add various vitamins, proteins and minerals for processing, and regenerate new fortified nutritious rice after extrusion, curing and shaping in an extruder. , it is eaten in the same way as natural rice. The artificial rice technology is a breakthrough of the extrusion principle in grain recycling. The nutrient-enhanced rice production line is to use rice flour, flour and other grain powders as raw materials to add some vitamins, trace elements and other high nutrient components, mix them evenly, and then extrude them through an extruder to make them into nutrient-enhanced rice. After drying, the shape and appearance The taste and eating method is the same as that of natural rice, and the nutrients missing from natural rice are supplemented. Special rice with different nutrients and certain functions can also be customized according to different groups of people.

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The twin-screw extruder is one of the multi-screw extruders. It is developed on the basis of the single-screw extruder. In the barrel of the twin-screw extruder, two screws are arranged side by side. Therefore, it is called a twin-screw extruder. To give rice a unique shape, taste and color, and to adapt to the growing health food market with the most scientific nutritional ratio and easy digestion. Reasonable structural design and special materials ensure the stability of the machine and are more convenient for maintenance. The operation is simple and easy to learn, and the parameters are controlled to ensure that the product is completed in a specific temperature, pressure, humidity and time. Colorful shapes and flavors meet the requirements of various groups of people. The nutritious rice production line is composed of powder mixer, twin-screw extruder, air conveyor, and three-layer oven.