Uses of Food Dryers

2022/09/29 09:39

Grain, coffee and pet food are mostly dried so that the products are easy to store, transport and use for a long time, reduce unnecessary waste and loss, and better meet the needs of further processing. With the fancy "transformation" of drying machinery and equipment, the application of grain dryers, drum dryers, and low-temperature dryers in the drying process of grain, coffee and pet food has further improved drying capacity, expanded drying capacity, and satisfied industrialization, standardization, Industrialization development, and lay a solid foundation for ensuring quality and safety.

Grain dryer completely solves the problem of grain drying for grain farmers

Grain is usually harvested with high moisture content. If it is not dried in time, it is prone to spoilage and mildew. In particular, grain saving and damage reduction has become a major strategic measure to ensure food security in my country. It is very important for grain to be dried in time. In recent years, with the increase of national and local investment in grain drying equipment, large, medium and small grain drying machines have been popularized and applied, which play an important role in drying grain in time, preventing mildew, and ensuring grain quality and safety.

It is understood that Qihe County makes full use of the drying equipment already built in the county for centralized drying of grain. 13 drying places in the county dry 5,000 tons of corn for the masses every day, and do everything possible to ensure that the autumn grain particles are returned to the warehouse, which not only improves the quality of grain Safety also liberates the labor force and increases the income of farmers. Another example is the grain drying center in Yinong Town, which has been completed and put into operation. There are 6 dryers and a complete set of drying equipment, with a daily drying capacity of 160 tons, which is more convenient, more efficient and more guaranteed than natural drying. Completely solved the problem of drying food.

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Tumble dryers improve coffee safety and quality

With the integration of Chinese and Western cultures and consumption habits, coffee has been favored by more and more domestic consumers, which has also promoted the rapid development of coffee bean planting and drying industries. In fact, whether it is instant coffee, freshly ground coffee, or filter coffee, freeze-dried coffee, capsule coffee, ready-to-drink coffee, coffee beans are inseparable from raw materials. Driven by the rapid growth of market demand, the natural drying method of coffee beans can no longer meet the requirements of industrial development, not to mention the continuous upgrading of consumption, the market has higher requirements for the drying quality of coffee beans.

At present, some enterprises use the drum dryer for the drying process of coffee beans, that is, the wet coffee beans obtain the heat transferred by heat conduction outside the drum, remove the moisture, and have high drying thermal efficiency. Generally, the thermal efficiency is between 80% and 90%. The drying time is short and the speed is fast, which reduces the burnt smell caused by the long-term contact between the coffee beans and the drum, and has high productivity and stable quality. It also avoids problems such as excessive intervention of personnel in the drying process, and pollution caused by constantly flipping coffee beans, ensuring that the raw materials of coffee beans are clean and hygienic.

Low temperature dryer to create fresh, nutritious pet staple food

With the improvement of residents' income levels, the number of singles and people living alone is increasing, and the trend of population aging is increasing, and the cute pet industry has expanded rapidly in recent years, which has also driven the rapid development of the pet food market. However, thanks to the upgrade of the consumption diet structure, pet owners are paying more and more attention to the health of pet food and pet food. Nutritious, safe, fresh and delicious pet food represented by freeze-dried food and air-dried food is welcomed by more and more pet owners.

Based on the continuous increase in the market share of pet food such as freeze-dried food and air-dried food, new-generation drying technologies such as vacuum freeze-drying and low-temperature air-drying play an important role in the production and processing of pet food. Freeze-dried food is quickly dried under low temperature and low pressure through vacuum freeze-drying technology to ensure the freshness, nutrition and health of pet food. The air-dried food adopts low-temperature air-drying technology, and the pet food is air-dried under low temperature conditions to reduce the loss of nutrients in the main food, and the soft and hard are moderate, which is easy to digest and absorb.


With the increasing area of grain and coffee, the increasing production, and the increasing market demand for pet food such as freeze-dried food and air-dried food, the traditional drying process obviously cannot meet the demand. However, with grain dryers, drum dryers, low temperature dryers and other drying machinery and equipment, it not only avoids the moldy grain and coffee caused by the inability to dry in cloudy and rainy days, which will lead to waste and loss, and completely solves the traditional drying of grain and coffee. The drying problem also promotes the improvement of the quality of pet staple food such as freshness and nutrition, and plays an important role in cracking down on the occurrence of mildew and waste in grain, coffee storage, transportation, and sales.