What are common food drying equipment

2022/09/13 14:38


Food dryer equipment, it is a kind of equipment used to dry our food, such as our fruit nuts and raisins, which belong to one of food drying, such as our fruit and vegetables Dried cabbage, seaweed, etc. The dried food we see in our daily life is basically a kind of dried food.


In addition to using natural drying methods for food, we can also use our coal-fired, boiler, electric heating and other drying methods to dry our food, but these drying methods will not pollute the environment when drying. The cost of drying is relatively high. Later, our heat pump technology continued to develop and was gradually used in the drying field. The reason why these drying equipment is used in food drying is because it is drying. There is no need to burn materials to provide heat.

WHX-IV5-layer Recycling Dryer.png


Heat pump type food dryer equipment, it uses the principle of reverse Carnot cycle to dry our food when drying, it uses the evaporator to absorb the heat in the air in the outside world, how to transfer it to the compressor The machine is compressed into high temperature and high pressure gas, and then our gas is passed to the condenser to release heat to dry our food. This cycle is the principle of our food heat pump dryer equipment drying.

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Food dryer equipment, its types are mainly divided into our two types, large-scale equipment and small-scale equipment, such as large-scale equipment, which uses the host and the oven to dry our food, such as The following fish is dried using a large food dryer.

There is also a small food dryer equipment, which can generally dry 150~300 catties of materials. It uses a household 220v power supply to dry it. According to the parameter calculation and actual drying In the experiment, it consumes less than 2 degrees of power per hour when drying, and the temperature can reach 80 °C when drying, which is enough to meet the range of daily food drying.