Understand the process flow of freeze-dried orange powder production line

2022/09/16 11:07

Freeze-dried orange powder is dried by freeze-drying technology, orange instant powder with original nutrients, freeze-dried orange powder needs to be processed and produced through the specified processing process and orange freeze-drying machine production line, and has the ability to preserve the original active nutrients. The color, fragrance, etc. are basically unchanged, it can be stored at room temperature for a long time, and the water content is less than 3%, and it has the advantages of good rehydration.

The processing flow of freeze-dried orange powder is set according to the characteristics of oranges. The specific process flow is as follows:

1) Fruit selection: select fresh, non-rotten, pesticide-free, metal-free and other fresh fruits;

2) Cleaning: use pure water for bubble and brush cleaning;

3) Drain the water: Drain the water after cleaning;

4) Pressing; pressing into jam through equipment;

5) Filtration: filter and remove fibers, pomace, etc.;

6) Clarification: Clarify by standing for the specified time;

7) Concentration: Concentrate 2-3 times by means of membrane concentration or vacuum concentration;

8) Freeze-drying: low-temperature freezing and vacuum drying through a food freeze-drying machine;

9) Pulverization; low-temperature pulverization according to the requirements of powder particles;

10) Sieve; select the sieve that needs to be sieved;

11) Packaging: sealed packaging in a constant temperature and humidity environment;

12) Sterilization: Sterilize by vacuum or light;

13) Finished products: The finished products are put into storage through packaging machinery, etc.

The processing flow of orange freeze dryer production line.jpg

According to the requirements of the orange freeze-dried powder processing process, the orange freeze-drying machine production line is arranged in three areas in the workshop:

1) Orange powder freeze-drying pre-processing equipment: pure water machine, sorting machine, washing machine, water draining machine, pressing machine, filtering equipment, mixer, static tank, concentrator, refrigeration unit and other equipment;

2) Orange powder FD drying equipment: low temperature cold storage, low temperature freeze dryer, transfer vehicle;

3) Orange powder post-processing equipment: low temperature pulverizer, sieving equipment, weighing packaging machine, sterilizing machine, coding machine, packing machine and other equipment.

The orange freeze-dried powder processing process and the orange freeze-dried machine production line meet the requirements of keeping the original nutrients, color, fragrance, etc. basically unchanged, with minimal rehydration and water content. According to the functional characteristics of the food freeze-drying machine production line, it is currently used in the processing and production of a variety of fruit instant powder freeze-dried, vegetable instant powder freeze-dried, coffee instant powder freeze-dried, Chinese herbal decoction instant powder freeze-dried, fresh milk freeze-dried powder and other processing and production applications.